Sunday, May 10, 2009

Club Caddy Golf

Discover why The Club Caddy won GOLF CHANNEL'S--Fore Inventors Only international invention competition searching for the "Next Big Thing in Golf" and why Tens of Thousands of golfers around the globe are saying, "Where has this been all my life?"

The Club Caddy is the #1 best selling personal caddy in golf today. Never has there been a golf accessory this easy to use that does what this can do! Check my site at, sister site of

It's been called "brilliant", "a no brainer"-and golfers respond, "Why didn't I think of that"?

The Club Caddy has changed how we have to play the game. It's light years ahead of the competition with a simplicity and versatility that allows players to enjoy golf more and eliminate the hassles that we have all had to deal with in our pursuit of this game we love.

All golfers, no matter their handicap (mine is thinking my game is better than it actually is) are familiar with the "hassles" that we endure in order to play this game that we love. Wet grass, early in the morning or on Cart Path Only days, dirty ground conditions (in Augusta, GA it's the pine pollen that virtually layers the ground this time of year) or going out to play a round after the course maintenance crew has sprayed those "dreaded chemicals" that are necessary for upkeep but are OH SO TOXIC! I should know because I was a greens keeper on two courses and believe me, those weed and bug killers we used were all marked with Skull & Crossbones/Danger! No one should have to lay their clubs in that stuff and get it on their hands and then who knows where (got a tickle on your nose or something blow into your eye?)

The really Sweet part for me is saving the "wear & tear" on my not so young body. At 57 I don't have the feet and ankles to walk the course anymore so I enjoy my golf with a cart. That takes care of the feet but the real "killer" was the strain on my back and knees. I discovered that repeatedly bending over to pick up those extra clubs I carried away from the bag (used to bend over for) was really what was making my back hurt and not my swing. That move, bending over and reaching for those clubs, is NOT an exercise move. It's a "STRAIN" move and the older I got the more strain there was. Not good for your game or your body. At the end of the day I was "Hurting". Well not anymore--Never again!

The Club Caddy eliminates all these problems with just a squeeze, clip and place (it's that easy) and saves your back and knees for your swing. It works on slopes (point the grip uphill) and in the wind (clip a little higher on the shaft and point the club into the wind). Clip it to one of your clubs and Never carry anything extra. It's either on a club or on the carry clip on your bag.

There is never a worry about what's on the ground because your grips never touch it. You "shake hands" with your club(s) instead of straining yourself to pick them up time after time and you don't walk away and leave clubs behind in the grass because now they are STANDING UP, waiting for you to grab as you walk by. It's also a plus that when your grips are clean, they stay clean and they last longer (tacky) because you don't have to scrub them to get the grime off. Oh yeah, your golf glove will last longer too because you're not grinding dirt and crud (that your grips picked up from the ground) into it with every swing. Gloves and grips that last longer saves you $$$!

The reviews are in and they agree, The Club Caddy is a must have tool that:

Saves you Time --no back-tracking to find club(s) left behind or time spent on wet, dirty grips

Saves you Money --grips and gloves last longer when they stay clean and clubs NOT left behind and lost don't have to be replaced

Saves you Effort--Your back and knees will THANK YOU for not bending over 40-70 or more times during a round, picking up clubs, just so you can have fun

If you love to play the game, you owe it to yourself to try this revolutionary tool that is so simple and easy to use that you will be amazed at what it can do for your golfing enjoyment--for the rest of your golfing days!

Try it and you'll never need to throw clubs on the ground again because you'll always have your own personal Caddy!

Bill Harmon, of the famous Harmon Brothers Golf School said, " It was the only invention in the competition that absolutely every golfer could use".

We just received a 78% positive rating from PGA Tour Partners Magazine. Wow, that's nearly 8 out of 10 players! --The best golf investment you'll ever make!

Investors/partner inquiries to launch The Club Caddy globally may contact me at
Patented & Trademarked

Click below to order



May your drives be in the fairway and your clubs in the air!

Labels: club caddy golf 8:44:00 AM by Dave Jones--clubcaddy1/Inventor

Read the following story for even more that The Club Caddy can do for your game!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Club Caddy Golf Training

Friends and players,

By now many of you know that The Club Caddy is a great tool makes the game easier while on the course. It does so much for players, all at the same time, and saves Time, Effort and Money!

The Club Caddy is also a device that players can used for Swing Plane & Club Face Aim &
Alignment Training!
SWING PLANE: Proper swing arc
Many of us have heard of a Swing Plane teaching tool. Most instructors and players I've seen use a golf club shaft with the head removed, that is inserted (pushed) into the ground, out to the right (for righties/left for lefties) at the same angle as the players practice club at address. This simulates the proper shaft angle of the club at address in relation to the ground. The players takeaway and back swing will start the club head up along the same plane as the swing plane, to the top and back down again to the same plane to strike the ball, thereby teaching muscle memory for our swing and the proper plane for the swing.

The Club Caddy was designed to hold a club up just as if the player were holding it at address--that is properly soled, which automatically puts it at the proper plane. By clipping your Caddy to a club (I use a 5 iron but a 3, 4, or fairway club works just as well) so that the club is soled correctly, you have created a SWING PLANE aid. Set outside the swing path, far enough out that you won't hit it during the swing, and so that you can see it peripherally. With The Club Caddy you now have a swing plane in your bag using only your club and a Club Caddy. No need to carry something else to the range. With a Club Caddy you already have your own Swing Plane whenever you want it. It's EASY and it WORKS!

CLUB FACE Aim & Alignment:

Any competent golf instructor teaches that the clubface should be aimed square to the target during set-up and returned square to the target at the moment of contact in order to be on-line to hit that target. An unsquare clubface will create spin and throw your shot off-line (unless of course you intend to create side-spin for shaping a shot).

Chipping and pitching are very Target Specific. A player must strike the ball squarely and on-line to have any hope of landing on a specific target and achieving the desired result. My problem (and many others) is that I have a tendency to aim the clubface right of my target, probably because of my right-eye-dominance. So I practice clubface aim & alignment (if my clubface is aimed properly, I can align myself using that aim).
By clipping my Club Caddy to my practice club, I can set-up to the ball, set my aim and then gently release the club (it will stay where you set it), step back and behind the ball, and look down the target line and see where I am really aiming the face. There are tools on the market that help with aim but you can't get two different perspectives with them because you can't let go of the club and look down the line from behind the club (the club won't hold itself up).
This is what Nick Faldo's caddy used to do for him when she would look down his putting line and tell him when he was square to his line and then step away so he could stroke the putt.. He was getting two perspectives on his line, one from above the ball and one from down the line. The technique applieds to golf shots also, particularly the short game where players are not shaping shots (fades or draws) but attempting to hit the ball straight at the target. It it's not square at address then chances are it won't be square when you strike the ball and you won't achieve the desired result.
This technique has greatly improved my game. Now I feel confident that I am on-line and have a better chance to make that shot! I use this whenever I seem to be getting offline and it does help me . All possible because I can set my club, release it and step back and look at it from another angle (down the line) while my club is standing up where I left it.
You have to remove the Caddy in order to actually hit shots but you can train-your-eye to be on target.

Don't try to hit shots with the Caddy on the club (it's not intended for that and something could get broken or someone could get hurt) but you sure can use two different viewpoints for setting up to HOLE IT OUT!


I have a couple of more uses but I'll save those for the next post.

May your drives be in the fairway and your clubs in the air!

The best investment you'll ever make for your enjoyment of the game!